Desired by all. Owned by a few
Welcome to the elite world of Bank Muscat Asalah Visa Signature Credit Card designed exclusively for Asalah Priority banking customers. Enjoy some of the most exclusive shopping, dining out or traveling offers, benefits and much more, created with your very exclusive needs in mind.
Apply now through mBanking App or Internet Banking, and the card will be delivered to you by one of our delivery partners; Aramex or Asyad.
Note: Customers will be required to visit the branch once after applying to sign the necessary documents.
*Except transactions at government, quasi government entities and exchange houses.
The largest premium dining discount & rewards program with over 75 premium restaurants offering discounts every time you spend. Unlimited usage with discounts upfront and reward points equivalent to the discount. For details click here
* Lounge T&Cs apply. Guests will be charged. Cardholder is responsible for checking any receipts (physical or electronic) for accuracy before signing as fees may be charged.
Includes travel accident insurance, medical insurance as well as insurance for lost baggage and money, trip cancellation, travel delay, delay baggage, personal liability, legal expenses and loss of passport. For details click here
Hand-picked selection of elite services for truly memorable experiences developed exclusively for Signature cardholders, this complimentary service employs a network of world-class resources to meet your needs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call +9714 3611234 or +44 2078502829.
This service Includes:
Over 900 luxury hotels around the world available to you with value added benefits.
* Benefits available for bookings made only through
Advanced booking is required at least 48 hours in advance, subject to availability.
Take advantage of Visa deals and discounts at home and abroad across Dining, Shopping, Travel, Stay, Spas and more. For details click here
Make your movie nights memorable with a special discount valid every day. Enjoy 50% on movie tickets at Vox Cinemas, Oman. For T&C click here
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